Veterans & Commonwealth Government employees
Axis Injury Management is approved to provide rehabilitation services to veterans and Commonwealth Government employees. Referrals can be made by a rehabilitation case manager from your organisation, or a delegate, when additional assistance is needed to support your wellbeing and return to work.
Services may include functional, vocational and worksite assessments, identifying suitable duties and directions for returning to work, arranging work experience placements and identifying retraining needs, and designing and monitoring your rehabilitation program.
Workplace rehabilitation services can help you gain independence and improve general wellbeing, get back to work safely and as soon as possible, and reduce the possibility of long-term absence from work.
How we can help
If you have an accepted injury or condition, we can develop a rehabilitation plan to support you to get your independence back. We will assess your wellbeing including your physical, emotional and social health.
Your plan can include assistance to help you manage treatment of your medical issues by helping you manage your medical appointments, manage your medicines and treatment, understand medical information, and access aids and equipment.
Psychosocial support can help you with life management skills, self-management of your health conditions, family functioning, social connections and engagement with your family and community.
Vocational assistance can help you to become job ready and find a meaningful job. These services may include writing job applications, interview training, work trials, and training for new skills.